Bash Single Quotes
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January 17, 2010, at 02:06 PM
- Added lines 1-21:
Using single quotes inside of strings that are enclosed in single quotes
Wrong: $ echo 'The Hitchhiker\'s Guide to the Galaxy'
-- Won't work, as //within single quotes the escape is disabled//.
Richtig: $ echo 'The Hitchhiker'\''s Guide to the Galaxy'
-- You have to first end the string (to re-enable escaping), then write the single quote and then get continue with your string.
$ echo 'The Hitchhiker'\''s Guide to the Galaxy' The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy $ # For the interpreter this looks as follows: $ echo 'The Hitchhiker'\ > \'\ > 's Guide to the Galaxy'
Great use case: Replace \'
through when converting MySQL scripts to Oracle SQL using
: sed 's/\\'\/'\'\''/' foo.sql
$ # Proof / Test for the call to sed: $ echo "SELECT * FROM books WHERE title='The Hitchhiker\\'s Guide to the Galaxy'" SELECT * FROM books WHERE title='The Hitchhiker\'s Guide to the Galaxy' $ echo "SELECT * FROM books WHERE title='The Hitchhiker\\'s Guide to the Galaxy'" | sed 's/\\'\''/'\'\''/' SELECT * FROM books WHERE title='The Hitchhiker''s Guide to the Galaxy'