Mercurial Notes
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July 27, 2010, at 08:26 AM
- Added line 22:
ignore = ~/.hgignore
Changed lines 35-36 from:
The @@[[|hgignore]]@@ file contains a list of file name patterns that you do not want to be version controlled, e.g. backup files of your editor or compiler output. This file must be located in the project root directory, i.e. @@/path/to/repo/.hgignore@@.
The @@[[|hgignore]]@@ file contains a list of file name patterns that you do not want to be version controlled, e.g. backup files of your editor or compiler output. This file must be located in the project root directory, i.e. @@/path/to/repo/.hgignore@@. Additionally, sticking to the @@.hgrc@@ file above, per-user ignore patterns (used across all projects) could go into @@$HOME/.hgignore@@.