
Mirror Svn Repo With Hg

Braindump.MirrorSvnRepoWithHg History

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March 01, 2010, at 01:04 PM by -
Changed lines 50-53 from:

Pushing/publishing the hg mirror

You can now publish the hg mirror like this:


Improving the hg log regarding user names

Subversion and Mercurial user names differ. Typically with hg you rather use information resembling an email address than a system login name. To map Subversion user names to Mercurial user names you can provide a simple text file (let's name it authors.txt) with content like that:

Changed lines 55-56 from:

$ cd /path/to/project/hg-mirror $ hg push ssh://


jdoe = John Doe <> jdoe2 = Jane Doe <>

Changed lines 59-60 from:

If you always push to the same location, you can save some typing. Edit /path/to/project/hg-mirror/.hg/hgrc and add a value for default-push under section [paths]:


Then add this when converting from Subversion, like that: hg convert --authors authors.txt svn-mirror hg-mirror

Pushing/publishing the hg mirror

You can now publish the hg mirror like this:

Added lines 66-72:

$ cd /path/to/project/hg-mirror $ hg push ssh:// @]

If you always push to the same location, you can save some typing. Edit /path/to/project/hg-mirror/.hg/hgrc and add a value for default-push under section [paths]:
