Php Workflow Classes
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January 12, 2010, at 04:01 PM
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PHP Workflow Classes
This is a very simple approach to a general workflow framework in PHP. It may not even work, but it should be worth a try.
class SimpleWorkflow { private $transitions = array(); private $initialStep = ''; public function addStep($name) { if (array_key_exists($name, $this->transitions)) throw new Exception("Step '$name' already present."); $this->transitions[$name] = array(); } public function addTransition($from, $to) { if (!array_key_exists($from, $this->transitions)) throw new Exception("Step '$from' does not exist."); if (!array_key_exists($to, $this->transitions)) throw new Exception("Step '$to' does not exist."); $this->transitions[$from][] = $to; } public function transitionExists($from, $to) { if (!array_key_exists($from, $this->transitions)) return false; if (!array_key_exists($to, $this->transitions)) return false; return (in_array($to, $this->transitions[$from])); } public function getInitialStep() { return $this->initialStep; } public function setInitialStep($name) { if (!array_key_exists($name, $this->transitions)) throw new Exception("Step '$name' does not exist."); $this->initialStep = $name; } } class SimpleWorkflowExecutor { private $workflow; private $currentStep = ''; private $nextStep = ''; private $valid = false; public function __construct(SimpleWorkflow $workflow, $currentStep, $nextStep) { $this->workflow = $workflow; $this->currentStep = $currentStep; $this->nextStep = $nextStep; $this->checkNextStep(); } private function checkNextStep() { $this->valid = $this->workflow->transitionExists($this->currentStep, $this->nextStep); } public function getNextStep() { if (!$this->valid) return $this->workflow->getInitialStep(); return $this->nextStep; } }
function initShoppingCart() { $wf = new SimpleWorkflow(); $wf->addStep('Select product'); $wf->addStep('Show cart'); $wf->addStep('Enter billing address'); $wf->addStep('Select shipping'); $wf->addStep('Confirm order'); $wf->addStep('Process order'); $wf->addTransition('Select product', 'Show cart'); $wf->addTransition('Show cart', 'Select product'); $wf->addTransition('Show cart', 'Enter billing address'); $wf->addTransition('Enter billing address', 'Show cart'); $wf->addTransition('Enter billing address', 'Select shipping'); $wf->addTransition('Select shipping', 'Enter billing address'); $wf->addTransition('Select shipping', 'Confirm order'); $wf->addTransition('Confirm order', 'Select shipping'); $wf->addTransition('Confirm order', 'Process order'); $wf->setInitialStep('Select product'); return $wf; } $shoppingCart = initShoppingcart(); $executor = new SimpleWorkflowExecutor($shoppingCart, $_POST['STEP'], $_POST['NEXT_STEP']); $stepToExecute = $executor->getNextStep();